Internal product for employees

See on google play
DNS is 2847 retail electronic stores with 38k+ employees. They need a mobile application through which they do their job of selling electronic goods for customers.
- 22 place forbes russia
- $6 113M revenue
- 4 countries (Russia, kazakhstan, Croatia, Bulgaria)
The mission of the company is to satisfy the client with high quality equipment and in a short time The mission of the project is DNS Sale. Increase mobility, convenience and speed of store employees
My role
I worked 1 year in dns as a product designer involved in every stage from brainstorming to analyzing the statistics of released features.
During my tenure, I led two pivotal projects:
1. Conducting UX research and redesigning the mobile application to enhance its user experience.
2. Developing a design system to standardize the design process and ensure consistency.
7 flutter developers
6 testers
4 back-end developers
Product designer (me)
Product owner
System analysis
Case 1Scanner
Research: To investigate the issue with the scanner, I conducted a comprehensive interview to gain a deep understanding of the problem. Using the insights gained from the interview, I designed surveys that were completed by 1378 users. The goal was to ascertain the prevalence of the issue and identify common problems that users experience.
Hypotheses: Using a flashlight may resolve issues related to lighting Implementing a focus lock may increase scanning speed Whis zoom feature, don't need opening the showcase Including a square scanner may improve the recognition of QR codes Manual scanning could potentially prolong battery life Providing the option to hide the quick bar may be helpful for users with smaller screens, allowing them to save space.
Through surveys, interviews, and metrics, we have determined that the following features are useful to users:
- Flashlight usage has increased by a significant yet undisclosed percentage - metrics
- Zoom is utilized by 52.8% of users - survey
- Manual scanning is preferred by 45.5% of users - survey
- The ability to hide the panel is utilized by a currently undisclosed percentage - metrics
- Latency in scanning is experienced by 44.2% of users - survey

However, focus blocking is not commonly used, with 63.1% of users either not using it or not knowing about it. We believe that the lack of knowledge about certain features is a common issue, which we have addressed in a subsequent case.
Case 2What a new
Problem: Although we strive to improve the functionality of our product by introducing new features and fixing issues, we recognize that not all users are aware of these updates. The results of a recent survey conducted in Case 1 indicated that, on average, 10.2% to 32.5% of individuals were unaware of the changes made to the product. You also need a cheap solution to the problem.
Hypothesis: "What's New" popup screen after each update. This popup will provide a brief description of the new features and changes made to the product, ensuring that users are informed and able to take advantage of these updates.
Result: Based on metrics, it was found that over 64.4% of users spent more than 15 seconds on the "What's New" page, which is the average time it takes to read the information provided. This indicates that users are taking the time to review the new features and changes, and suggests that the "What's New" feature has been successful.
Case 2What a new
The phone's battery does not last for an entire work shift while using the application with intermittent 12-hour throughout the day. This often results in work coming to a halt due to a discharged phone battery.
To address the battery life issue, i asked a test was conducted by the programmer to compare the discharge rate of a dark theme versus a white theme on a test page. The results showed that the application's battery lasted 19% longer when using the dark theme.
Implementing a black theme may improve battery life.
Result: According to store directors, implementing the dark theme was effective in increasing the battery life of devices by approximately 2 hours+. Positive feedback was received regarding the theme's "easier on the eyes" and "sufficient for an entire work shift." However, the issue persisted on older device models.
Case 4Sounds
Problem: Users are not responding to tasks as they are not hearing the notification sound.
Research: During an interview, it was discovered that users are turning off notifications due to the unpleasant sound.
Hypothesis: If users are provided with the ability to change the notification sound, they will not turn off notifications.
Result Users left over 100+ positive comments about this feature. He also confirmed in the interview that the respondents did not turn off notifications.

DNS Design system

Design system· 2022

Design system, which accelerated development by 50%

See project